Friday, August 22, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that my mother has talked about our family's feeling of being on the way out. We are leaving because they don't need us. It's not just that they don't need us. They don't want us. Who doesn't want us? Well, it is rather awkward when one's own relatives are sometimes the worst enemies ever imagined. The Bible says: "No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer." We as Christians are in a sense serving in the "salvation" army of a sort. Our commanding officer is not present at the moment but still we seek to live our lives to please the Lord of hosts. Yet sometimes one's relatives can be very meddlesome and interfering in what one thinks one ought to do and what they think one ought to do. So life is complicated. And if honoring one's father and mother is a problem to some third or fourth cousin living in some other state, well tough. Ultimately, we don't care that much about what "they" think. We have to do what God commands. We have to follow God's will even though sometimes our distant in-laws may have other bizarre ideas with which we may not be in agreement if we are even aware of their existence. We might not appreciate them trying to remotely impose their will upon us when actually their opinions are not very important in the whole scheme of things.