Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Which Reminds Me

It is true that I liked to bake cakes occasionally, which I often did even in high school. And someone, possibly the maid Mercedes, was trying to use that to liken me to Marie Antoinette, who famously said "Let them eat cake," which is so ridiculous. Was there ever anything nice to say about these vicious nasty Spanish people? They think they are so clever with their fake uppitiness, and yet I am not fooled in that regard. I see how really mean and horribly selfish and greedy these Spanish people really are behind that facade of "sweetness" but I am not allowed to really say anything about that because as Christians we have to be gracious and give them space to do their own thing and hope that more Christianity will soften the edge of their unashamedly racial attitudes. Strange how they are allowed to be so completely racial while we dare not do that.