Friday, January 3, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember becoming aware, while leafing through the high school yearbook after my senior year, that the name of Wilson was tacked on to the end of the name of classmate Jaime Sol, which means perhaps that his mother was a Wilson, an American perhaps. Interesting that I had never noticed that throughout the four years of high school, and also no one ever mentioned that to me during high school, that I should ever have any conversation on this point, or any occasion to ask any question about whether he is distantly related to Everett Wilson, whose family were acquaintances of ours during the one year that they lived in El Salvador while Mr. Wilson was writing his doctoral thesis or book about the history of El Salvador, although that was during our first term. I might have been 9 or 10 years old at that time, I don't remember very much about them.

More recently I see online that the Wilsons are wanting to be the sole representatives of the United States in El Salvador, while throwing me to the Sol side, as if I would even know what to say about all of this unnecessary and unforeseen widgetizing. And what is Jaime supposed to do about that, given that his father might be one of those Persian immigrants? Was he supposed to fight against the great and mighty Uncle Sam, a la Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Absurd. I don't think that he was that stupid. He was a very high achieving student actually. I would imagine that he probably just doesn't want to be bothered to comment unnecessarily about these matters that have not yet been presented in the best light.