Friday, January 3, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was somewhat uncomfortable being in the same high school class as these Italians whose agenda involves the formidable task of rehabilitating the reputation of these Italian fascists who were fighting against the Allied forces during World War II, but who are now fighting on our side so that nobody should be holding that against them. That issue was not pressing on my mind at the time, besides which I don't remember myself ever being a huge fan of Woody Guthrie and his music. He wrote some songs that are classics of American music, such as "This Land is Your Land," and other songs not so much, as for example, "This Machine Kills Fascists." And who am I to argue with an iconic songwriter of American folk music? And what are we going to say about those WWII cartoons denigrating Hitler? Wartime propaganda was what it was.