Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit awkward, how to explain that I am not related in any way to Ronit, who was our high school classmate who was Jewish, NOT me. Some people were confused somehow, although I do not understand why. I never claimed to be Jewish or to have any desire to reconnect with Joan and/or Ronit either one, I cannot quite se how that widget got set up. Sorry about the confusion. How do I politely tell my employers about how to spell "You are wrong"? That doesn't work very well in the ordinary workplace where I am supposed to be doing normal work of the average workaday citizen, 9 to 5 with an hour for lunch break, thank you very much for the birthday cake. But you probably already knew that. You were just trying to fool me, but it didn't work out very well, so anyway I'm not particularly angry about that, but enough of that. I need to get on with my life while no longer being on your payroll, which means that I am gone home now.