Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do seem to remember that there was a time in my life when that devotional book, I think the title was "God Calling," seemed to be really speaking to me. I enjoyed going through that for a few years, probably at least two or three, and then finally one day suddenly the words went sort of flat, no longer resonated with me in the same way, and so I put it aside, and even so not for that reason do I imagine that God is not talking to me in life in various ways, through various books and people and events, whether or not I am listening as well as I should. So we have to be prepared for someday when I will suddenly realize that I really don't need the crutch of that guy screaming in my ear to know what God's will is for my life, and he will need to find some other remedy for filling in the blanks of his empty head because I will no longer be available to help with that. I am just saying.