Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that "Streams in the Desert" is a devotional book which was a favorite of my mother's, although I am not sure whether I ever read that myself. The book was written by a person associated with OMS International, a missions organization that I have never heard of but there are so many missions organizations out there, not only one, that I cannot be expected to keep track of them all. Only now, looking at their website, do I learn of the existence of the late Dr. Duewel, who was that organization's president for many years. Ok, so, that's nice. Myself not having any idea of OMS or Dr. Duewel, I am not aware of any points to make in regards to that, although with a name like that one can easily imagine that Dr. Duewell probably had to deal with his share of lame puns about "do well" or "doing well?" although I really would not know anything about that firsthand. But anyway I already know about name jokes on my own account.