Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot quite remember who it was that was talking about the Seder dinner they had attended, invited by their Jewish friends. That might have been a first term thing, was that Alexandra or was that the Wilson girls or someone else? My memory is somewhat blurry on this point. And I am assuming that was a very interesting evening for you, but it is OK if you do not invite me to go along. I might feel uncomfortable with that, actually, not knowing really who your Jewish friend was or any other details of that. I don't feel bad if I am not invited to everything going on in the universe, I cannot be expected keep track of all these people. 

I do not remember myself ever claiming to be Jewish, and if I choose not to drink the wine, would that make me a Muslim? And also, if I were not an Italian, would that make me Jewish? There is some type of bug in your binary code but I cannot quite spell it out with such ncomplete information.