Thursday, May 2, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was about 10 years old, in El Salvador we had a visitor from Peru or Ecuador, who was Jack Garlit, a missionary there, who was telling us some things about those countries, and how they often hear the music of the Inca Indians, who are fond of a certain type of flute, which makes a sort of melancholy tone, and other instruments. So that was interesting. He read the story that I had written and suggested that I send it to headquarters for publication, but I never did that. 

Years later, his daughter Carol (who married Mark Johnson) was saying they have made all sorts of plans incorporation myself into her private fantasy life, of which I know nothing. Maybe they could explain what they were expecting me to do about that, because I doubt that I would ever be able to reconstruct anything from these antiquated references.  

Anyway, I do not think that it is within my powers to "fix" the meaning of all this stuff.