Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is unfortunate to be expected to discuss something with New York, a place generally lacking in the proper linguistic credentials to discuss these literary and/or language matters. I would rather talk to a dictionary than talk to the vapid clueless yappers of New York. At least the dictionary has some meaning in it. There is nothing but self-aggrandizing verbosity in New York. How would I know that I am not exchanging personal information with some clueless Rhonda Hitjob. She probably cannot even speak proper, academically certified French. She probably has to mutter and sputter in that dreadful Haitian Creole. I am so glad that I was not assigned to learn Creole. Not my problem. 

Well, but of course, certainly I have no reason to boast of any special linguistic skills in having a second language, given that plenty of people have learned more than one language. Obviously. Needless to say. 

Why should I be accused of this sinful pride of language, lacking the proper language credentials? We did not learn a second language to make ourselves the arbiters of the dictionary. That was not the point. The point was to communicate.