Sunday, May 12, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone might have said something about Haman, but I am not quite remembering who said that or what they said about that. I forgot what whoever said about that. All I can think of is the game of Hangman which is played during high school using chalk and the blackboard. It is a guessing game. You might get lucky and guess the right letters quickly and go on to the next point right away, or else maybe not. 

Someone was talking about the relentless and ruthless vengeance of Queen Esther near the end of her book, which was surprising for me to hear it talked of in that way. I did not think that it was possible to speak critically of the great Bible heroine. No one ever hears that spoken of in quite that way. Certainly I would not have the standing to get away with talking that way about Esther in that way, not being a mother in Haman's book. I would need to cite some authority who knows what they are talking about, which would not be me. What did she say? Huh?