Sunday, May 26, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the time when Linda was talking about the use of phallic symbols in advertising. She cited some photographs and wording from a textbook in a college class that she had taken, and she sounded very convincing. Yes, probably that could be true. Probably we could say that Linda has done her homework on this topic. 

However, here we are, five single people in a boat in the middle of the Intracoastal Waterway, learning to water ski. Is this really the most opportune moment for bringing up this topic for discussion? perhaps not the optimal time and space. Did someone say something that caused her to bring up this subject, out of nowhere? because I don't remember myself saying anything of that nature. But whatever. Sometimes these chatterbox parrots cannot stop themselves from talking in these weird patterns, makes me wonder where they get their wrong information.