Sunday, May 26, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that somewhere in the Bible it says that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so I guess that means that there actually could be a worse fate than being a chicken, depending on the context. So that's nice, if this enables the angels to help me with this problem some of the time, thank you very much. 

So that means that in order to keep my heart right with God, I may need to leave those little brats completely roasting in their own foul cursive, to eat their own curse words themselves, because anyway, it is not that I would not forgive them, but whatever. Yes, probably I am more worried about my own soul than about theirs, and about my eternal fate, needless to say. 

It would be very tempting to emotionally rail against them, but then again that would only be to submit to their cursive schemes of a devilish nature, and then they would win, when actually they probably deserve to lose that worthless useless argument, given the overwhelming dictionary evidence. Some things just aren't worth fighting about.