Friday, May 24, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely rememeber hearing online that Nicky Cruz, a Puerto Rican living in New York, whose life story is told in the famous movie "The Cross and the Switchblade," might be a distant cousin to our high school classmate, Patty Cruz, in El Salvador. Oh, I did not know that.

However, I do remember seeing the movie when it first came out in the mid-1970s. Our church rented an entire theater, Cine Vieytez, for a special showing. We were there as were many others, the theater was quite full. Were you there?   

 I also read a few of those Teen Challenge books. However, I never had occasion to discuss this point with Patty Cruz. It was very difficult to get a word in edgwise with those people, even if they were not sitting far from me in class, much less to ask personal questions. 

So it seems odd that I would now be getting all this mail from Gwen. Gwen who? Has Ted not seen the movie? It would be nice if Ted would answer his own questions about that by seeing the movie and learning about how he may have a personal relationship with God, because everyone needs that. It is not required for election to Congress or Senate, but it could be helpful if he could just watch the movie and figure it out for himself, instead of poking little redhead girls with stupid stuff that cannot be addressed, out of context.