Thursday, May 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, only a couple or so weeks ago, finally my attention was drawn to the Trojan Times newspaper issues from when I was in high school, and there is an item there about Gwen's private club, the Hola Girls, who are some of the American girls in my class, although my name is not listed there. I was not invited to become a member of their private Hola Girls club, which anyway, I never actually met Gwen, so have not much thought of her existence one way or another. The school newspaper gives the club's contact phone number as Gwen's mother Elsie. So doodling around on, I learn that Gwen's mother was NOT Elsie Lucille Ball. Hmmmm.... And that reminds me of some blither I was hearing online years ago about  the Cuban Desi vs. Lucille Ball, and that was incomprehensible to me at the time and still is mystifying, as if I were aware of Gwen's personal widgets. We never met, so why should I care about that?

And doodling around even more, we learn that Gwen's mother is actually Elsie Teresa Johnson, yet another person who I never met, so whatever. My grandparents voted for Nixon. Needless to say.