Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, that was Susie who was saying that those guys are too political. She said that they were like politicians, always vying to be the most popular and sometimes promoting themselves at the expense of others. Yes, so, what did I think about what she was saying? Well, in a way that is true, they are very political, but on the other hand, it is not entirely fair to be too critical of that, because as long as we are living on this planet, there will always be some political considerations to be kept in mind. They are at an age where they have to establish their identities and make a place for themselves, so sometimes that is a factor also. They must struggle to promote their own self-interests. And also Susie herself is quite political in her own way. She has many connections and can easily throw things out the window. So none of us can really say that we are entirely free of political considerations.