Monday, May 6, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I have often mentioned my tendency to shoot myself in the foot. That may sound self-denigrating to you, and yet if I do not acknowledge my human frailties in a public way, I will be harassed until I eventually do that, so better to resolve that question early in the debate, and present myself as a humble and unpretentious person not prone to delusions of granduer, before my virtuous achievements instill an intimidating greenish tinge in your envy-driven sin-sunk complexion, thus to head off such a problem before it starts, or at least gets too much out of control. 

When I was about eight years old, I vaguely remember being told that it was okay to use the word "shoot" for this exact purpose, so that became a somewhat habitual usage during my youth, because I do often shoot myself in the foot. Needless to say. At that time it had not occurred to me that this word might be misunderstood for another similar-sounding word that I had never heard of. I was not raised in a place where I ever heard such words used. I might have heard that once or twice when I was 12, having returned to the U.S., but generally that is not a word that was used by anyone that I know. 

Yes, makes you wonder in what sewer was that little dog Sue raised, anyway? Arf arf arf1 I really would not know anything else about that. For me it is a long way down to the level of Sue.