Saturday, May 4, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that our teacher in 8th grade was Mrs. Grace Richardson, who was from the Grace Brethren church denomination, whereas some of the children in our school Academy were Plymouth Brethren, which was considered to be a bit more severe and exclusivist than the Grace Brethren, although either might seem severe to outsiders not part of the Brethren thing. The women never cut their hair, they wear a somewhat old-fashioned stye of clothing, not to mention that they are mostly Canadians. However, Mrs. Richardson was very deep in the word and schooled us well with frequent sword drills and memorization day was on Fridays, so just because some people might seem legalistic to you, that does not mean that there is nothing to learn from them given the right circumstances, if the atmosphere would ever clear up enough to talk to them.