Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, don't I remember that Linda Harrington Smith was one of the financial aid staffers at college who were always so notoriously rude to anyone who might have the impertinence to ask any question of any kind, the principal Financial Aid Witch being Debbie Rush? If you really have to go go the financial aid office, just remember to take whatever you get and never ask any question. God forbid that you should have the impertinence to ask a question about grant eligibility. I have yet to hear the end of that. Given that the Financial Aid Witches are so notorious and infamous among the student body at large, it figures that Linda and Debbie must fall back on their witchcraft skills to get their message out, because certainly no one is going to "help" them later with that. My financial situation is really none of their business.