Saturday, July 2, 2016
Which Reminds Me
Yes, it is hard for me to understand what those volleyball sports girls are crowing about. Not meaning to be mean but I really couldn't care less what she does with her boring and uninteresting life after college. I never met her before college and only noticed later that her yearbook photo appears in the girls' volleyball team. I always thought sports girls were such bores, not to be mean you see, but I always hated sports generally speaking and am glad to have avoided having to be on the same team with those noisy whiners. I always thought it was fakey weird the way she would pretend to be so sweet and friendly toward me yet I somehow instinctively sensed that actually she hates my guts and is only awaiting another opportunity to trip me up somehow, so obviously that is not a friend that I can trust for anything. I can't imagine that there could be some deeper reason why she hates me, that is just how boring sports girls are everywhere, apparently.