Saturday, July 30, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Who knew in the fourth grade at missionary kid school that our teacher would later go on to become a shamelessly trashy slut and homewrecker, having stolen a rich husband in Colorado? All the more reason to found an orphanage somewhere, perhaps needing a place to masquerade as a "good" person and forget about your self-imposed troubles, but I really don't know anything about it. I only know that the scummy stupid Benners of Colorado were not my problem. I have no connection whatever to that slobbering idiot Don Benner and was never interested in learning more about the operation of orphanages and the financing thereof. So will someone shut off the stupid machine? Where do I go to turn off the stupid scripting machine? Ahhhh!!!!

But that's the way it goes under Murphy's Law. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.