Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Which Reminds Me

At work, there were five desks clustered together, across from me Bonnie, across from Bonnie Kathy, at my right was Eva, a Porto Rican. Later, Eva was not appearing at her desk for a long time and so I asked Bonnie and Kathy what happened to Eva and they said that Eva was fired because apparently editor Kathy was tired for redoing her sloppy work. Later it was learned that Eva returned to Porto Rico where she had no problem getting a better paying job than the one from which she was fired even though Kathy thought she was only semi-literate, but ethnic labeling is apparently a big advantage to them, superseding even a lack of spelling abilities. But then again Kathy's disreputable moonlighting jobs would give fodder to enemies of the truth. So there is really nothing that I need to say about those people that matters in the least.