Saturday, June 15, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while at SCC on a few occasions, a collection of miscellaneous persons got together in the college gym to play some informal games of volleyball, coed, only for recreational purposes, although certainly, there was one particular guy who would get very angry if his team did not win, and although certainly it is nice to win, it does not always work out that way. If one team wins, then the other team has to lose, obviously.

Not to be confused with the official volleyball team which I did NOT try out for. It is hard for me to understand why I have to explain that, and why did the actual team explode, and why I should care about that. It is too late now for me to care about participating in organized college sports. I only did the minimal PE credits required for graduation. Enough said about that. I try to be nice to these college sports people and attend their games once in a while, but I wasn't actually a huge fan of sports generally speaking.