Sunday, June 23, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Only more recently did I do some research and learned something about the money that El Salvador paid during the Central American fiasco in the early part of the 20th century to some persons who were blocked from doing their development project in that country, so they were not able to realize the expected profits. So perhaps you are saying that Alana was not a recipient of the money. Oh, I had not been aware of the money. The Central American fiasco of 1920 is not something that one studies in high school or even college and even so, knowing that now, I am absolutely certain that I am not related to the people who did get the money, so that also means nothing to me. So why are you always screaming and hollering at me about nothing? I have important things to do such as getting a job and building my Social Security parachute. I have no time to waste on irrelevant speculations about other people's money that is of no concern of mine. But if you want to give me some money, fine, I really could use some compensation for all this ridiculous level of harassment. Just to scream about me for no reason is so ridiculous of you. But, yes, if you are going to be so heavily enforcing Chilean slang terminology so completely unknown to me, then perhaps there is a precedent established for recovering the potential profits of a project that was forced to end in abysmal failure due to such heavy handed strong-arm tactics. Although I don't know, projects fail all of the time and people lose money and have to write it off their tax bill, so why should I get a special deal in that regards? So I cannot quite say what should be done about making South America feel the pressure of knowing that we actually not so gullibly naive as they seem to imagine. It would be nice if there were some beneficent authority who would take it upon themselves to make these Solomonic decisions without me having to take it upon myself to steal the money.