Monday, June 10, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, coincidentally, it so happens that last night I was watching an old move starring Gregory Peck, from 1956, called The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, which is very long and boring, but you can find it on Youtube now, and it is about an advertising executive in New York, who is a veteran of World War II. It is a very long and very boring movie, but it does raise a couple of interesting questions:

1. If I am NOT deaf, as was the famously deaf advertising executive Earnest Elmo Calkins, does that make me the maid who plays a bit part in the movie?
2. Do these Italian pipsqueaks really seriously imagine that they can attach some paternity claim onto Calkins, that would provoke in him this desire in him to pay them some serious money in the form of annuities and/or trust funds?

(Ha ha ha! I am getting a little bit faster at this game. Years ago I never would have made any of these connections in this way to that. During high school, my mind would just go blank after any conversation with those psychotic CIA agents.)