Friday, October 11, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while I was studying journalism in Virginia, that was way back in the early days of computers, and we would be assigned a diskette, or have to get a diskette, on which to store our files, because those computers had almost no memory of their own, and our editor said to give our disk whatever name we wanted to give to it, so on mine I wrote "Candi's Stuff," I don't know why exactly, probably because that was the place where I would be putting all of my files containing whatever stuff I might write, and my editor seemed to find the name perhaps slightly amusing, although I have since learned that the word "stuff" also has other connotations that I had not thought of at the time, so probably I would not use "Stuff" that way again, but at the time it seemed to be meaningful enough. I am not claiming any of those other connotations but apparently someone upstairs did not get the memo.