Monday, October 28, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a Bernhardt in our high school, although no acquaintance of mine, that I would never have had occasion or even have thought of asking such an impertinent question about the famous dancer of that name. She might have been of a lower class level than myself, a  9th, 10th or 11th grader when I myself was in the 12th. Even so, I cannot imagine what that has to do with the fact of myself having studied a book titled "Ariel" by the famous Uruguayan author, which was an extremely tedious philosophical treatise on a not always very useful question of what is more important, utilitarianism vs. aesthetics. Sort of depends, I suppose.

Speaking of Uruguay, I vaguely remember the Stone family but only from the third grade. If I ever see them again or not, well, at this point, it really does not matter. It just wouldn't matter. It always was so easy for them to pass themselves off as natives, but I cannot do that. I always will look like a foreigner there, so their method of masquerading as a native is useless to me.