Sunday, October 20, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, nobody was twisting your arm when you decided to name your fledgling organization "Teen Challenge," and everybody understood that you probably felt that you needed to do something to motivate your pathetically wicked street thug audience to clean up their lives and turn to God. We read the books. We saw the movie. But we are not particularly happy about this law requiring us to look up to these wicked New York street thugs who have such scintillating and fascinating testimonies in that way. Do you really think that we want to hear the details of your elaborate drug dealings by boat or plane in the Everglades, during your speech at the assembly in Miami? You were supposed to be telling us about God and how he has changed your life and how you don't think that way anymore, and about what faith in God can do, and yet there you are outlining everything about what NOT to do. Did you get that theory from the Bible or from the secretions of Agartha? Or perhaps you get all your mojo from the nasty Nordic broomsticks of North Central. You should have gone to North Central yourself, and spare us the hassle of having to put you there. Do you really think that you should be riding so high when your retinue of reformed New York street thugs are struggling with so many lifelong disabilities? You have given new meaning to the term "challenged."

But fortunately for me, I have zero connection to that Pennsylvania-New York machine. I won't need that for anything so don't be trying to sink my ship with their nonsense.