Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I always did have more than my share of curiosity, needless to say. Thus, I could not help but be curious about the precise wording of the scintillating and/or sizzling letter from Bruce Brock's girlfriend, which was so upsetting to my mother when she opened it by mistake, confused as she was by the way in which it had been addressed to the care of us, because he was staying at our house that summer, although it is probably better that I never really got to read that. My mother only told me something about what it said and how, after she realized her mistake, she handed it to him without any comment, obviously already opened, so obviously he was knew she had seen that, although h was probably not sure how much we know about that or who we might tell laterr. Well, sorry about that, but whatever. Get over yourself, boring bimbos of Arizona.

And just think if I had actually had read the letter, and could actually say something real about that, how much more miserable your life could be. Just think about that.