Monday, October 21, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, hey, how well I remember that those were your Polack jokes that you were telling us and that you were requiring that we laugh at in contemplation of how many Polacks does it take to change a light bulb, because, after all, we might not have ever thought of that if you had not brought up the subject of your Polish background in such a humorous way. Similarly, those were your Hillary jokes. I cannot even remember one to retell, and yet I seem to think that you probably have all of that filed away somewhere next to the Polack jokes.

But, yes, the Molina jokes came other sources probably. I cannot remember those either now although at the time the social norms of the place seemed to require a chuckle even if their humor is so unbelievably crude sometimes.

But I never was very good at retelling jokes which is why I mostly cannot remember that stuff. I just forget jokes right away but my sister might remember more about that stuff than I do. Maybe she can remember the punch line to that.