Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot remember whether I ever discussed with anyone the fact that my mother has a knack for sometimes making up words that don't really exist, and the words sort of sound like real words, and give the impression enough that we sort of understand what she means by that, and someone will say, "You mean —," and she will say yes, and then everybody will laugh about that. Even so, I really don't see what that has to do with anything. None of that excuses your idiotic rantings. We never had any pretensions of compiling a dictionary.

You are bending over backwards to shoehorn and shove me into some role in the irrelevant and boring fictional drama that you had pre-written for somebody else. And sometimes I will answer a question and other times I will just avoid you because I cannot quite get a handle on how to dump that vicious nasty horrible monster Rose Alfaro back in the garbage bucket where she belongs.

Why would I want to live on a planet ruled by horrible Rose Alfaro, always sneering disdainfully and with utter contempt of me? Obviously not. Don't we all have better things to do than consult with vicious nasty Rose Alfaro? That is a worthless device as far as I am concerned.