Friday, October 18, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having done my genealogical research a few years ago and discovering that Uncle Winfred's other daughter was married to Mr. Cranford. I only remember that they lived somewhere else other than Texas, which explains why they were not there the one time that we visited them Uncle Winfred's family in Texas. Beyond that I know nothing at all about them so there is nothing further to say about that. Whatever. I have no thought of these people sitting on a pile of rocks in Wise County, Texas. The value of a pile of rocks is not known to me, and even if I knew the value of that, it would not really matter that much. I don't particularly want their pile of garbage. If you were really related to me, you would not be hurling things through the ozone layer. You would know how to read and write my name and address and telephone number.