Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is sad that many of these housemaids have not progressed very far beyond the fourth grade. When they see my mother every day taking a little pill, and expressing all of these exaggerated concerns, we have to explain very basic things to them, such as, what is a thyroid? what is the function of the thyroid gland? what is a doctor prescription? and various other details of my mother's medical history, etc. etc. We are not surprised to hear such confusion from the maid who has only recently learned about how to flip the switch to turn the electric lights on and off (which is actually someone else's maid story, the point being that these people are sometimes quite naive when they first arrive from the country). Although we don't mind having to explain basic things to them, because we are not paying them such high salaries and we are helping them to get started learning how to live in the city where there is electricity and running water, we are less concerned about the confusion of some persons who should know better. Needless to say.