Saturday, October 19, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem odd how the rock-crushing enterprise of Klein & Cranford has somehow allied itself with the farmer at Borden's dairy and various others in my mother's portfolio, to create a hugely populated pack of troglodytes very skilled at translating from the ancient Phoenician, even though nowadays nobody speaks those dead languages. For what do we need a pack of troglodyte translation hacker technology? Nowadays everyone can just learn English which very much smooths the pace of international commerce. Where there is no market demand, there will be no profits, thus I am not aware of any great need for further troglodyte excavations, always building roads to nowhere, except perhaps in the vein of historical research carried on in the rarefied circles of university scholarship, which requires higher education to an extreme and takes forever. Maybe the future generations will think of better ways to integrate that. But in the meantime, we might prefer to get on with our lives. We don't have time for that.