Saturday, March 6, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how rude of you to spit upon my unique snowflake fingerprint, merely because it bothers you that snow is white. What more do you want, yellow snow? When I was living in El Salvador many years ago, every New Year's watchnight service at the church they would show that movie, part of which featured the snowflake story in which the unique structures of the crystals in the snowflakes are said to be an example of the uniqueness of individuals, also the immense diversity of nature, thus proving definitively that there is no other duplicate copy of myself anywhere on the planet, although some persons are perhaps wanting to dispute the snowflake conclusions on a scientific or any basis. Yes, well, even so, perhaps even identical twins have their differences in terms of personal experience which shows that not DNA alone does not determine the outcome of our lives. We have decisions to make and something to say about how we are going to live our lives and what we are going to do. It is not merely a matter of DNA structures, although it is interesting to see how the skies tell us about the glory of God.