Saturday, April 12, 2014

Which Reminds Me

During my first semester at SCC there was a group of girls gathered in Heather Stewart's dorm room all listening to Dolly Bangert (Din) spewing obscenities. Well, enough has been said about that. One of the persons that I think was present was Teresa Glowacz who at the time was dating Mike Beals who has now ascended to the college presidency. However, as it turned out Mike did not marry Teresa. His wife's name is something else, maybe Faith. I don't think I ever met her. Whatever happened to Teresa I really would not know. I lost contact with those people shortly after that and we just never talked much after that. Is my name Theresa that I should be mistaken for the nun of India? No, obviously my name is neither Teresa or Theresa so I really would not know what Mike might have heard about that from Teresa. Personally, I really didn't know those people very well and would rather forget the whole thing. I really didn't understand why Dolly was carrying on that way. She is very sick in my opinion.