Thursday, April 24, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I always hated it when people asked why am I not married. Of course, it has been a long time now since I have been asked that question but when I was in my 20s and 30s it was getting painful. What am I supposed to say in response to that obnoxious question when there is no Mr. Right lined up and no plans in the making? So usually I would make some speech rehashing the news, all those articles and books I read about the statistics, how women outnumber men, how the odds of marrying decrease as one gets older, etc. etc. So maybe I won't get married. So I said that to an Argentine lady at work, that maybe I won't get married because there doesn't seem to be anyone for me at this time, and later it came back around as if I had pledged to never marry. No, that was not what I meant to say. I would marry if Mr. Right were to make his appearance, someone who cared enough about me to put up with all this guff, but the odds were not good, and besides her name was Delfina so some people took her account as if the Delphic oracle had spoken. Ha ha ha! NOT FUNNY. And then Sandra Santiago made that speech about how women who were young in the 1960s often were single because their eligible men died in Vietnam or disappeared into the drug scene or something like that. And I was not even old enough to be in the generation that Sandra was referring to. But because people choose to talk about these things somehow everything got applied to me even though, well, that was not what I wanted. And I can't exactly disagree because it would be presumptuous of me to assume future marriage when obviously no one is interested in me anyway and who would want to put up with me anyway? So there. Stop asking me these horrible questions so that I won't have to answer.