Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Not long after I had graduated from college and was living in the Fort Lauderdale area, attending the church that was in Oakland Park at that time, I remember that the pastor's wife, Ophelia, had some of the solo singers in the church make videos or audiotapes of themselves singing one of their songs that best represented them. I don't remember which song I did. All of the tapes were sent by Ophelia to TBN, the Christian television network which at that time was not nearly as big as it is now. The only result of that was that Nancy did get to sing on television. I think that Nancy was the only one who got sing on television. No one else was invited that I know of. Of course, incidentally, Nancy's brother-in-law Ed was on staff as one of the assistant pastors, and Nancy's sister also sings very well. They are from Philadelphia. So that was nice for Nancy. In fact, I tend to think that it was about then that the Yearys began to emphasize their preference for staff, reserving such perks for mainly staff and their staff families. As for me, I can take a hint. There was never any need for further reinforcement of the idea that I have no future in television. I am really not very photogenic anyway so I really wasn't expecting anything to come of that. My Dad is an AG missionary but not on church staff. I suspect that if they did put my Dad on church staff they would have to be nicer to me and that would be a problem for them when they already so much despise me. I really don't want to think about them that much anyway. I sort of felt that I would like to forget that I ever sent any tape to TBN because I suspected that their only intent was actually to disabuse me in advance of any notion that there would ever be any television job for me, not that I ever asked. Like I said, I can take a hint. I won't be applying there, obviously. No need to rub it in so abrasively.