Monday, April 21, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Anyway, there never was any law requiring that I live on the East Coast as opposed to the West Coast. Last time I checked this was still a free country and theoretically I could live in any one of the 50 states at any time if I should so choose, even across the street from you. Not that I would want to necessarily have to look at your dreary face when taking out the garbage or checking the mailbox but it is just the principle of living in a free country. We never really understood why our cousins moved to Pennsylvania. We never had any acquaintances in Pennsylvania who would be worth such a drastic relocation to be near. I am not sure where this fictional law came from or why some clueless persons are accusing me of breaking a law that never existed. There never was any treaty that I was ever aware of. You only wish you had Hollywood all to yourself.