Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, methinks the cousins do protest too much. What is this crime of which they are possibly guilty that was never mentioned? Why are they so paranoically afraid of being condemned of something of which I am completely unaware? All of this protesting will not persuade me to change parties. What has your party done for me lately? Absolutely nothing.

Besides which, everybody knows now that he was on probation for five years, and he died before the end of that so he never had a chance to clear his name.

Which would have been a good thing not to bequeath to us his descendants, but perhaps he had no choice in the matter. Sometimes you just die and you cannot vote from the grave. That would only be illegal.

Thus, now the board is only a list of five names of persons four of whom are unknown to me. Anyway, there was no reason to revive an organization that would only resuscitate the position of slave laborer to some San Francisco people of whom nothing is known, only that they hate us, or at least they hate me.

We ought to be glad that we are born free of that gallows humor so prevalent in San Francisco.

We ought to cast off and be free of the yoke of San Francisco. If only I had understood some things back in the day, but I was not aware or confused about many things.