Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when we visited Texas one summer we visited the home of my mother's uncle, and there we met cousin Beverly and her husband, whose name I could not remember later whether I heard what it was, although we were introduced, but I was busy eating lunch and they only stepped in for a moment and then they went into another room and we never saw them again.

I never officially heard the details of Beverly's divorce later. I really have no idea what happened to explain how it came about that Beverly's husband was discarded on the garbage heap of history, although I have heard some very bellicose things online, but nothing verifiable that I should care to be reminded of those insignificant ex-relatives who anyway would probably only want to dump me from the rights list so as to keep more for themselves, given that the pot is probably not that big to start with.