Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem a bit strange that you should be so consumed with the farce of electoral politics of the Democratic variety when it becomes patently obvious that the point of your game may actually be the institutionalizing of a Blood Royal monarchy of the Spanish variety here, for which purpose the obliteration of any of these Irish pretenders would seem to be a cinch, a foregone conclusion, thus to pave the way for Spanish pretenders. What pathetic resistance could the Irish in America present to your Blood Royal pretensions so ominously prodigious in numbers? We already know that you are the biggest of all consumers of royalty magazines. Why not bring that here as well? Except that we do not have the ancient history that seems necessary to really stage that properly. And wouldn't the Blood Royals of Europe have some pressures and influences to put on that, whereas the Irish are mostly gone. We have no knowledge of any Irish pretenders, nor do we appreciate these attempts to farcically throw us into that position. The point of our history is to cultivate good citizens who will govern themselves. We cannot just say off with their heads the way you did, nor we had thought of that. We can only hope that things will work themselves out eventually because this is a country where people do not think of using power is such unilateral ways. Have you no internal compass to tell you what NOT to do?