Thursday, July 15, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who can forget the dramatic story of Elijah who killed the false prophets of Baal after bringing down the fire from heaven. In every generation we have to remember that sometimes cutting yourself and running around and working so hard all day long gets you nowhere. If the Lord is not in it, then why bother? Given these conditions, we must step aside and let the false prophets have their day.

But those who drive like Jehu are those who actually see the demise of the evil queen, Jezebel, who has donned her makeup and is leaning out of a window, from which her servants willl soon throw her to be eaten by the dogs. Now there was an amazing woman, so energetic and clever about taking the vineyard of Naboth. Such initiative and strategy. And yet somehow, ultimately things did not end well for Jezebel.