Sunday, May 22, 2011

Small Talk

It is very hard to make small talk with boys, especially with idiot boys like Bobby Bueno. I remember once we were talking and he was saying something about girls that he likes and I made some comment which he interpreted as me trying to be like a guy discussing girls with him. I don't know why this keeps coming around back to me as if I were trying to be a boy, as if I were psycho-trash Chastity Bono and my mother was sex siren Cher. Ha ha ha! Not at all. One way to solve this problem is to never talk to boys. That way I will manage to avoid yet another backstabbing slashing from the Bueno riff-raff and their demon-possessed Panamanian witch. Still, that solution creates additional problems in trying to meet a mate. How can I get to know a boy when I cannot even talk to one, when they all lend undue importance to the lies of Bobby? It is impossible. I might as well be single and resigned to a life of nothing much.