Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Speaking of Ninth Grade

Yes, who could forget Lance Starin's scandalous report on the misdeeds of Greek semi-gods during Miss Marken's honors English class in ninth grade at the Escuela American in El Salvador? For some reason that is almost only the report that I actually can connect to its author in memory so shocking was Lance's disdain for the idea of the Virgin Birth of Jesus. Or was that Yasushi Takeda? Did I get those two confused? It was shocking. He speculated that perhaps Mary was not an honest person. However, there is religious freedom in this world and Lance or Yasushi was merely expressing his obviously atheistic ideas in his unique way for class credit and it really did not matter whether or not we individually agree with his religious point of view because we respect his right so say whatever he wants. Miss Marken is the teacher, not me. Miss Marken will grade his paper and decide what grade it deserves. We just have to sit there and listen to whatever each of these people chooses to say in their oral report on Greek mythology. I might have mentioned this more than once but I do not recall anyone else's Greek mythology report all that clearly. I just remember that one for that reason. Someone else talked about Narcissus. Etc. etc. etc. There are so many choices of topics on the subject of Greek mythology. It is all on Wikipedia if you really want to refresh your memory so I do not need to explain that again.