Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Freemason Question

I wonder what makes these horrible Freemason dogs imagine that I would ever even think of applying for membership in their horrible back-stabbing club, especially now? I mean, the constitution gives us freedom of association so you can join that club if you really want to, if you really want to be in the know and in the power, but I really believe that I would be so miserable joined together with those obnoxious people, powerful though they may be. The whole point of coming to America was for the pioneers to be free of that decadent European garbage, to shake off the girp of the vile European elitists, and I still feel that way even now. I have no need of a Hospitaller at this point my life, not having any health problems that I know of. And what is Malta but a colony of inbred Italian whiners? And what is a Knight nowadays but a pretentious fop who probably has no practice with the bow and arrow. It is all just so much showiness. The Knights of Malta have plotted nothing but misery for my life so obviously they cannot expect me to care about what happens to them.