Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I do not recall anyone caring very much about the idiotic babblings of high school classmate Maria Younes Smith, or at least I never did. Just because her last name was Smith, that would have meant nothing to me in high school as I was not aware of the existence of any Smiths in my family tree. It is only in the last 10 years or so that I have become aware of the existence of the Smiths in my family tree who lived in Pennsylvania. And yet Smith is the most common surname on the planet so even with that knowledge I still doubt that Maria Smith had any family connection to me or any distant cousins of mine. I seriously doubt that Maria Smith could have had any connection to me whatsoever. So just seeing her horrible snarky face around high school campus meant nothing to me. I really don't care what happened to Maria Smith. I never really care that much about those people. I mean there is a limit. We pay tuition for schooling, not for lifelong harassment by that hideous Younes dog. Maria Smith is just a horrible and disgusting person and I would punch her lights out immediately if I could ever figure out how to do that.