Monday, May 20, 2013

Which Reminds Me

So we are caput. Without a son to head the next generation we are just a bunch of silly women with all of the mineral rights and none of the money to do anything with that, and they already knew that, obviously. That is what they trying to say in their prickly and annoying Catholic way. We are Protestants because we may know better but without the money and the mettle for action we are adrift and will easily be consumed by the Catholic majority to come. Yes, we are hearing this message telegraphed on the wires but never mind. Anyway, we would rather die than be ruled by the dull French mediocrity. We are not interested in being drawn into a battle that we cannot win on their terms. We prefer to draw up our own terms and even so the outcome is not clear but no one really knows how the future will unfold. The future is out of our hands. We shall see....