Saturday, September 14, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I never in my life came in contact with a four-star general, much less screamed at one. Two-year-old David was a gullible idiot who I led astray at age three but I later repented and understood the wickedness of my way and so I never did that again. There was no reason to expect that to continue as a pattern. It was only a one-time stupid idea. And what about these crude and vulgar French always dropping their bombs in continual pattern, as if it were wrong to have a healthy curiosity for knowledge and learning, as if I were not really human, just a dog to be locked in a closet. Something is wrong with this picture but don't listen to me. I am something less than human if you hear them tell it. I feel sorry for military people but they have to do what they have to do. Fortunately for me there is no law requiring my enlistment.