Monday, September 28, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I have no need of any Southern Baptist spokesman to represent me. For one thing, I have no reason to be negotiating with the Anglican Church in regards to my church membership for purposes of linking through them to the Catholics. It's not like there is anything to discuss with them. I am sure they will be taking very good care of the castle without any help from me. I have no castle claims to speak of. Just because some meddlesome Southern busybodies are trying to get in my face, that does not mean they represent me in any way. Why are they bothering me? I do not wish to be represented by some clueless Southern boys who have gotten too big for their britches, as the saying goes. There is just nothing to discuss. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Jesus is all that matters in terms of eternity.